Thursday, 21 June 2012

Artwork at City Tattersalls Club!

Some of you may have noticed new paintings around City Tatterssals Club. As with everything else in the club. there is more to this than meets the eye.

City Tattersalls Club pays $54 000 to display these paintings
Thanks to members who asked questions at the recent AGM, we now have some information on the arrangement, in particular that City Tatts pays $54 000 a year to have these paintings displayed.
From what we have been able to find out, it seems that these paintings belong to some Aboriginal art gallery and while on display at City Tatts are available for sale. If a member does happen to buy one, the gallery makes a commision and the artists gets what's left.

And for providing a showroom for the gallery- City Tatts  pays them????
This seems like a really good deal for the gallery and the person that introduced it to the City Tatts Club, but it certainly has no benefit to the Club or the members. This has only created more unreasonable and unjustifaible spending by the management and the committee.

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