Thursday, 25 October 2012

City Tatts are saving costs !!

First there was the cancelled holiday to Melbourne for the committee, executive staff, Ms Purdy and Mr Guilfoyle (that Guilfoyle-Purdy has a ring to it, doesn't it?). Then there was the stripping back of poker machine staff.

In a business that has declining membership revenue and massive losses in all restaurants, that is wholly and solely dependent on gaming revenue, what do they do?  Cut back on poker machine technicians of course !

Now if you are unsure what the issue is here, a poker machine technician is the person who ensures that poker machines are working to full capacity. They are what a motor mechanic is to a car dealership or what a pastry chef is to a bakery. They are as important as the battery in a battery operated torch or the gas in a gas lamp.

Now that we have painted the picture we can advise that Guilfoyle has cut back on technician hours. It is not clear whether he was advised to do so or decided on this foolhardy initiative on his own.

Come to think of it, he must have decided on this himself because it fits in with every other foolish idea he has come up with while he has held office at City Tatts.

Consider the facts:
  • Pokies deliver in excess of $20,000,000 revenue yearly to City Tatts club.
  • Technicians work for average wages and keep the machines working at all times the Club is open.
  • Guilfoyle delivers nothing except heartache and bad decisions while receiving in excess of $500,000 in wages.

The Solution
  • Replace Guilfoyle with two technicians and a CEO on a wage more in keeping with a fair wage for managing a registered club. For this swap City Tatts would ensure their only "cash cow" was working to maximum capacity and better decisions would be made, not to mention less staff turnover, improved staff morale, happier members and a club not for sale! All this for $250,000, representing a saving of over $300,000!

Sounds like a good idea to us - and we are sure it will sound like a good idea to most.

Miss Management

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